I cannot prophesy what challenges lay in the future for you or for the Church. But this we know: persecution and martyrdom will always be part of the Church’s life.Read More
Unlike Mary, we were not preserved from all stain of sin, nor were we called to her unique role in salvation history. Nonetheless, her radiant motherhood and fervent discipleship open the door for us to find forgiveness of our sins, to acquire the beauty of virtue and holiness, and to discover the wisdom and courage...Read More
In preaching and in administering the sacraments, then, you will assist me in leading people to holiness, unlock in them their spiritual gifts, ensure that all work together in love, and thus build up the Body of Christ, the Church.Read More
Over the years, as a priest and bishop, I have often visited those who are sick, only to return home amazed and edified at their strong and loving faith. When I was a recently ordained priest, I prayed with a young woman near death. She asked me to help her thank God for all the blessings she...Read More
As a deacon, you will proclaim the Gospel at Mass and at sacramental celebrations. You will preach homilies on Sundays, weekdays and special occasions. And give voice to the needs of God’s People and the world in the Prayer of the Faithful. You will share God’s Word with young people preparing to receive the sacraments,...Read More
Our fellowship in Christ impels us to seek the other’s good, to help one another along the path of virtue, Christian manhood, and discipleship, to support one another in living the vocation of marriage and family life, to support brother priests in being true to their vocation.Read More
Fraternity means resolving disagreements with Christian charity and reason. It means not jumping to conclusions about one another’s motives. It means a willingness to help a brother knight who is faltering. It means abstaining from the culture of denunciation, electronic or otherwise. As Knights we should have a deep sense of responsibility for the Church....Read More
Dear friends, when we unite ourselves to Christ’s love in the Eucharist, that is, when we receive the Eucharist worthily and with devotion, no challenge, no suffering, no problem will be able to separate us from Christ.Read More
The priceless treasure that is Christ does not just fall into our laps. We have to value his love above every other love. We have to look for the treasure of his love where he told us to look.Read More
I have been a priest 43 years and it brings me more joy than ever to celebrate Holy Mass or to hear a confession, or to anoint a person who is seriously ill, or simply to help someone find their way back to the Church. If God is calling you to the priesthood, I hope...Read More