Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Transitional Diaconate Ordination 2021

Encountering you, others are to encounter the Christ who came, not be served but to serve. Encountering you, others are to encounter the Church, the Church that is called out of the darkness of sin and death into the lightsome realm of God’s Kingdom where those who serve are greater than those who are served.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Solemnity of the Ascension

In and through the sacraments, the Risen Lord is present and active among us, no less than he was with the Apostles in the Upper Room.
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Mes de Concientización Sobre la Salud Mental

Reconociendo la necesidad urgente de que la Iglesia sea una fuente de consuelo y ayuda a medida que todos lidiamos con la experiencia del año pasado, he creado un grupo de trabajo arquidiocesano con la tarea de desarrollar capacitación y recursos para equipar a nuestras parroquias para enfrentar las necesidades de salud mental de sus...
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Archbishop Lori on Mental Health Awareness Month

Recognizing the urgent need for the Church to be a source of comfort and help as we all come to terms with the experience of the past year, I have created an archdiocesan workgroup tasked with developing training and resources to equip our parishes to deal with the mental health needs of their parish communities.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 6th Sunday of Easter; Installation of Fr. William Keown, Our Lady of Victory

I am delighted to return to Our Lady of Victory for the installation of Father Bill Keown as your pastor. During this past year, dear friends, you have witnessed his priestly dedication, his enthusiasm for the mission, his vision, and his energy.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 6th Sunday of Easter

God created the world not because he needed us but because he loved us. God so loved the world so much that, when we went astray, he redeemed us . . . and he did so, not by issuing a decree of pardon from on high, but by sending us his Son to suffer and...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 5th Sunday of Easter

In the communion of the Church, Christ’s life flows into our hearts, bringing us the grace of repentance, coupled with hope, healing, and new life.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 5th Sunday of Easter; St. Joseph the Worker

First, let me say that I am delighted to return to St. Joseph Monastery to offer Mass with you and for you in this very beautiful setting.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 4th Sunday of Easter; Confirmation at CMOQ

People give their lives to many things that let them down and let them down badly. By contrast, the Lord is inviting you to a friendship that will last forever, a friendship with himself and with all those he has redeemed in his love.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Friday of the 3rd Week of Easter; St. John Paul II Seminary

The reading from the Acts of the Apostles recounts the conversion of St. Paul. Saul, as he was formerly known, had been persecuting the followers of Christ.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 3rd Sunday of Easter; St. John the Evangelist, Hydes

Let me begin with my heartfelt congratulations to the parish community of St. John the Evangelist Parish here in Long Green Valley, as you celebrate your bicentennial anniversary.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 3rd Sunday of Easter

We must allow the Risen Lord and his Spirit to open our minds to understand Scripture, such that we no longer take our faith for granted but rather journey with the Apostles from fear, to joyful incredulity, to full-fledged, joyful, infectious faith in the Risen Lord.
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