In his love for us, Jesus not only provides us with an explanation, but he has also set the stage for you and me to understand the explanation he gives us, as we learn in that brief second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews.Read More
Immigration may indeed be a policy problem and a social problem, but human beings are not reducible to the category of “problem” – they are persons!Read More
On this anniversary, we remember our fallen heroes and those who continue to suffer. But let this remembrance prompt us work together to create a more peaceful world, as a community joined to one another in Christ, who lives and reigns with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever!Read More
discipleship means following of Christ to the point of being like Christ because we participate, share in his life and teaching, his sacrificial love, his victory.Read More
Your solemn profession, Sr. Jane Clement, takes place on this beautiful feast when the Church lifts her voice in praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary at her birth, this daughter of Abraham foreknown and chosen by the Triune God to be the Mother of the Incarnate Word of God, our Savior Jesus Christ.Read More
Notice how Jesus resolutely found time to withdraw from the crowds to pray… that is what Jesus did whenever he retreated to a deserted place, even though the crowds were pressing in upon him. Therefore, pray resolutely!Read More
The pastor’s role is to set the stage for that encounter and to bring it about in the lives of each of his parishioners and in the parish community as a whole, encounters with the living Christ, encounters that are powerful and transformative, encounters that free us up to become the persons and community God...Read More
When the Word of God is proclaimed, Jesus speaks. When Baptism is administered, Jesus begins to live in us. When the Eucharist is celebrated, Jesus is truly present.Read More
In this Year of the Eucharist, you have an opportunity to reach for the stars, to introduce our young people more profoundly into this sacred mystery, “this sacred banquet in which Christ is received, the memory of his Passion is renewed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given...Read More
So, gazing again at the dome, it lifts our spirits upward, as if to say to us with wordless beauty that, if we follow Christ on earth, we, not unlike Mary, will reign with him in heaven.Read More