Throughout the pandemic, I have offered Masses for an end to this virus, and I continue to do so. Trusting in God, and seeking the intercession of our Blessed Mother, we hope and pray that this too will pass, and pass soon.Read More
One of the most neuralgic pressure points in today’s society is authority: Who has authority? What are the limits of authority? How should it be exercised? Debates on authority are going on in every sector of society, including politics and government, education, social media, and the Church.Read More
From around the world, tributes have poured in honoring the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I wish to add my voice to these tributes, in praise of a courageous church leader who championed racial justice in South Africa and around the world. His life and his passing powerfully remind us that the struggle for racial justice...Read More
May open our hearts to receive him & draw close to him every day of our lives. I wish you and your loved ones a joyous Christmas and may God bless us and keep us always in his love!Read More
Father McGivney’s path to the priesthood was anything but easy. He hailed from a large Irish-immigrant family in Waterbury, Connecticut. At an early age, he felt an attraction to the priesthood, but like many young men in those days, he worked to support his family. Finally, with the help of his pastor, he entered St....Read More
If you find yourself estranged from God’s will, making a good, unburdening Confession is a good place to start. Daily prayer is essential: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done!” Holy Mass is how we tap into Jesus’ obedience to the Father’s will, and receive the graces we need to embrace God’s will in daily...Read More
In this Year of the Eucharist, may we enkindle our desire to encounter Christ’s presence which we behold and receive in the Blessed Sacrament and invite others to share in this mystery.Read More
As Christmas, the feast of God’s unbounded generosity draws near, let us find authentic joy in giving God thanks and praise for loving us so much, and let us show that our thanks and praise is real by reaching out to others, by mending fences and serving the poor, by entrusting to God our own wounds, by listening to...Read More
If we are found watching in prayer, exultant in God’s praise, wise beyond our abilities, and engaged in works of evangelization and charity, then we shall celebrate the feast of the Nativity with a joy like no other.Read More
The Lord’s plan for Advent is different . . . and better. His plan invites us to spend more time in prayer – to listen to the Word of God, to participate attentively in Holy Mass, to confess our sins, and spend time with him in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.Read More
...In receiving the Lord in the Eucharist, in having your sins forgiven, in having the love of God poured into your hearts through the Holy Spirit, you own gifts and your own talents are being revealed and unlocked, so that you can and should take an active role in the mission of your parishes and...Read More
To journey together, we must help one another along the way; console one another; and listen together to the wisdom and love of the Holy Spirit.Read More