Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Passion (Palm) Sunday

He was and is our Priest and King, not because of we can do for him but rather what he would do for us.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Saturday of the 4th Week of Lent

As members of the family of the Knights of Columbus, we support one another in our baptismal calling to be courageous Christians, Catholics who profess the Faith openly, and do so without counting the cost.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Friday of the 4th Week of Lent

While we may have flashes of inspiration and conversion experiences, truly knowing Jesus is a lifetime project, or better, the project of a lifetime.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Founder’s Day Mass; Tuesday, 4th Week of Lent

With confidence and hope, we the Knights of Columbus celebrate our 140th anniversary, looking towards that day when Blessed Michael McGivney will be canonized.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 4th Sunday of Lent

And my fondest, deepest prayer on this Sunday of rejoicing is that each of you, and every member of the Archdiocese, whether active or inactive, will experience God’s loving and merciful embrace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation sometime before the approaching feast of Easter, even as many are preparing to be baptized and received into...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Solemnity of the Annunciation; Consecration of Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

As we join in this Act of Consecration, let us pray that we ourselves we will consecrated anew to the Lord, so that in the challenges and setbacks of life, we may respond as did Mary, “be it done to me according to Thy Word”.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 3rd Sunday of Lent; St. Patrick Church, Havre de Grace

As you enter upon your 175th anniversary year, I pray that, thru the intercession of St. Patrick, your parish may stand for years to come at the mouth of Susquehanna River and the head of the Chesapeake Bay as light brightly visible for all to see.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 3rd Sunday of Lent

Lent is that time for our faith in God to come alive; it’s a time when we sense anew the urgency of our faith; a time when our faith must bear the good fruit of holiness.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Solemnity of St. Joseph; Catholic Mens Fellowship of Maryland Conference

Gathered at St. Joseph Parish on the Feast of St. Joseph, it seems to me that we are invited to reflect on who St. Joseph is and what his life and example means to us as Catholic men of the 21st century.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 2nd Sunday of Lent; Pueri Cantores; St. Patrick’s Day Parade Mass

Even as we depart anew from the slavery of sin towards the freedom of holiness, let us resolve to influence the culture all around us, moving it from a godless secularity that enslaves so many people towards a renewed vision of faith in whose light human dignity is seen and a civilization of justice, love,...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 1st Sunday of Lent; Mass for the Restoration of Peace in Ukraine

Praying for peace means humbly seeking our own conversion of mind and heart, for we all have our role to play in manifesting the Kingdom of God in today’s world.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Address to the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. Michael

Finally, let us beseech the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace. Through her intercession, may Christ, the Prince of Peace, reign in human hearts, even those hearts that have hatched aggressive plans to subjugate innocent and peace-loving peoples. Thank you for the privilege of addressing you this morning. May...
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