I am delighted that you came here to Baltimore to discern how best to carry forward your ministry, so important for the life of the Church, and pray your deliberations, emboldened by trust in God’s providential love, will bear fruit in abundance for the Church in the United States and for the dioceses which each...Read More
In calling us to discipleship, the Lord doubles down on what it will cost us. If we would personally share in the poverty of the poor, then we must be detached from property and possessions.Read More
In defending these United States, you also defend its values, and the freedoms which are embedded in its founding documents, chief among them, religious liberty.Read More
It is Christ who has conquered sin and death and if we wish to win the victory we must acknowledge him as our leader and participate in his life and mission, principally through the Eucharist but also by an active life of faith.Read More
I am here to celebrate with you because I am confident you are teachers but more than teachers – you are witnesses to the Lord’s love – those who first allow yourselves to be loved by the Lord and by others so that you can hand on that same love to your students by loving...Read More
In the battle for human life and dignity, we, the Knights of Columbus have always stood in the breach. Let us continue to go into breach, enlightened, confident, and fortified by our Eucharist Lord.Read More
Through the Eucharist, we join with St. John Vianney and Bl. Michael McGivney in giving the God of our salvation thanks and praise, honor and adoration.Read More
Simple as it sounds, Jesus’ parable is more than a story with a moral. Rather, it reflects his wisdom as the Word made flesh, as Wisdom Incarnate, and so this little story embodies the truth and wisdom of God’s own heart.Read More