Archbishop Lori’s Advent Message (2022)

We are in the midst of the Advent season. It is a time of hope as we prepare to celebrate anew the birth of Christ. It is a time of joyful expectation as we await the glorious coming of our Savior, the conqueror of sin and death.
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Mensaje del Arzobispo William E. Lori reafirmando que la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore no se opone a la publicación del informe del Fiscal General de Maryland sobre abuso infantil

English 2 de diciembre de 2022 Queridos amigos en Cristo: Los saludo hoy para abordar nuevamente un asunto relacionado con el doloroso y preocupante tema del abuso sexual infantil. Como sabrán, se está hablando mucho sobre si la Arquidiócesis se opone o no a la publicación del informe del Fiscal General de Maryland sobre el...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Third Sunday of Advent; Gaudete Sunday

On this “Gaudete Sunday” – this Sunday of rejoicing, so near to Christmas: Let us find our joy in Christ our Savior.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Second Sunday of Advent

We must look for Jesus in the Church, but where do we find him in ourselves? And here, it is John the Baptist who guides us. He went to the desert, the wilderness, to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.
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A message from Archbishop William E. Lori reaffirming that Archdiocese of Baltimore does not oppose the public release of Maryland Attorney General’s report on child abuse

Español Dec. 2, 2022 Dear Friends in Christ: I greet you today to again address a matter related to the painful and troubling subject of child sexual abuse. As you may know, much is being said about whether the Archdiocese is, or is not, opposing the release of the Maryland Attorney General’s report on the...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Tuesday of the First Week of Advent

Now, more than ever, the Church needs men who have a desire to do great things for Christ, to build up his Church.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: “The Redemption of Memory”

Like Mary, the Church also has a memory – a living memory – a memory which is not a mere repository of the past but rather a memory through which Christ and the great events of salvation emerge into the present as a living reality, so that you and I can share in them, whenever...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: First Sunday of Advent; Cathedral of Mary Our Queen

If, in God’s grace, we overcome the dangers of procrastination and presumption, then we will be prepared to welcome anew the birth of Christ at Christmas, and in welcoming Christ at his first coming, we will be eager to greet him at his second, when he will come in glory to judge the living and...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Feast of Christ the King

As we gather for the Feast of Christ the King, all of us are aware that the Attorney General has filed a motion in court to release a report that details heartbreaking betrayals of trust and innocence on the part of the Church’s representatives going back to the 1940’s.
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Mensaje del Arzobispo Lori sobre la moción para publicar el Informe del Fiscal General

Al leer la moción de hoy, sentimos una renovada vergüenza, un profundo remordimiento y una sincera simpatía, muy especialmente hacia aquellos que sufrieron por las acciones de los representantes de la misma Iglesia a quienes se confió su bienestar espiritual y físico.
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Message from Archbishop Lori on motion to release Attorney General Report

Archbishop William E. Lori has made the following statement on a motion to release the Maryland Attorney General's report on the archdiocese’s handling of child sexual abuse allegations dating back to the 1940s.
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