The peaceful and compassionate society Dr. King envisioned requires God’s grace and our firm commitment to teach, learn and practice nonviolent action for social change.Read More
Indeed, the pastor’s first duty is to enable his people, individually and collectively, to listen to and encounter Jesus Christ so as to experience the power of his love, and the beauty of his goodness and truth, and to be molded by him into disciples, indeed a community of disciples who are “a light brightly...Read More
My prayer is that you will encounter many Nathanael’s in the year ahead – moms and dads and children without guile, who will truly be open to the wisdom, both divine and human, you will offer them in the amazingly beautiful and effective ministry we call Catholic education.Read More
As we offer this gift of love, let us pray that our beloved dead will be found worthy to enter, not a temple made by human hands, but the heavenly temple, where Christ shines as the sun and where everyone and everything is seen in its truest form.Read More
As we prepare for the forthcoming convention, let us invite the Lord of the Harvest to cultivate our hearts as we listen intently to his Word, spend some time in Eucharistic Adoration, avail ourselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and seek the strength we will need over these coming days to advance the mission of...Read More
Prayer and discernment are thus crucial in a pastor’s ministry, because, as we heard, in this world, good and evil grow up together, even in the field of the Church.Read More
Let us allow the Lord to inspect the tree he planted by examining our consciences and by making a good unburdening confession of our sins, and by not failing to engage in prayer, spiritual reading, and mortification.Read More
It is his eternal relationship of love with the Father that Jesus reveals and invites us to share in – provided that we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit.Read More