Statement from Archbishop Lori on Holy Father declaring Mother Mary Lange venerable

I am delighted that the Holy See has officially recognized the heroic virtues of Mother Mary Lange, for her virtues and example still enliven and grace this local Church.
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Archbishop Lori talking

A Message from Archbishop William Lori: Juneteenth 2023

Together as brothers and sisters of Christ may we strive for true and lasting freedom, freedom from the power of sin which alienates us from God and estranges us from one another.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

On this Father’s Day weekend, I would like to thank you, Fr. Mike, for your spiritual fatherhood and for your leadership of this community of faith!
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Votive Mass of The Blessed Virgin Mary

In the midst of this weekend of grace and joy, let us beseech Mary to open her immaculate, maternal heart to us, so that we may encounter the heart of Christ, her Son, and that we may share in the overflowing love of his heart.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

If you follow the Church’s liturgical calendar, then you know that we are celebrating a Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart exactly one week before the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Votive Mass of Blessed Michael McGivney

So let us continue our pilgrimage today and through the intercession of Blessed Michael, may our time together produce the good fruit of the Gospel for our jurisdictions, councils, and fellow chaplains.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Knights of Columbus State Deputies Meeting

Sharing as we do in a friendship that transcends the narrow confines that often hem us in, let us strive to see the Cor initiative as the one thing that will unify and animate every worthy goal that each of you, our State Deputies, has set for yourselves in the coming year.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Knights of Columbus State Chaplains Meeting

First it is good to be together, thanks for taking the time to come to New Haven to meet with the Supreme Knight and his co-workers together with your State Deputies. It is also good for us as Chaplains to meet among ourselves.
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Un Mensaje del Arzobispo Lori: Avivamiento Eucarístico

El Avivamiento Eucarístico Nacional tiene como objetivo renovar la Iglesia encendiendo una relación viva con el Señor Jesucristo en la Sagrada Eucaristía. Cuanto más entremos en la realidad de la Eucaristía, cuanto más busquemos el encuentro con Aquel que está presente en la Eucaristía, más viva será nuestra Iglesia. Como se ha dicho, la Eucaristía...
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A Message from Archbishop Lori: Eucharistic Revival

The National Eucharistic Revival aims to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The more that we enter the reality of the Eucharist, the more we seek to encounter the One who is present in the Eucharist, the more alive our Church will be. As...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: St. Josemaria Escrivá

Long before it was common to speak of lay ministry or evangelization, St. Josemaria was encouraging members of the laity to share with others the joy of becoming God’s children and the peace and joy of holiness – He was urging them to evangelize the lukewarm and the unaffiliated in ways that are down-to-earth and...
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