Fortnight for Freedom: Opening Homily

Introduction: The Martyrs of Tyburn Hill A few years ago, due to inclement weather that grounded many international flights, I found myself stranded in London during the week just before Christmas. Worse things than that can happen to a traveler but the unexpected pleasure of a week in London enabled me to visit places I...
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Catholic Review Column: Fortnight for Freedom

By now you have likely heard about the Fortnight for Freedom. Maybe you have seen a sign or poster advertising it. Perhaps you have seen references to it online. It is an idea whose hour has come. Religious freedom as protected by the First Amendment is at risk. It is most palpably jeopardized by the...
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Religious Liberty – Public Session USCCB

I. Introduction My brother bishops – let me begin this segment on domestic religious liberty by thanking all of you for your strong efforts in support of that cause. We are facing not just one, but a series, of extraordinary challenges in this area. Nothing less than our full and undivided efforts in response will...
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Priesthood Ordination 2012

I. Introduction Long ago, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, the Risen Lord Jesus looked at Simon Peter and three times asked him, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Today, in this sacred rite of ordination, the Lord Jesus looks upon you, my dear brothers, called now to be priests of...
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Catholic Review Column: True and False Freedom

In a little less than two weeks, Catholics throughout the United States will participate in a Fortnight for Freedom. This prayerful observance provides us with an occasion to reflect on those fundamental, God-given rights we cherish so dearly as Catholic Americans. Among the most prominent of these is religious liberty, a liberty which is now...
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Catholic Review Column: On Our Way

A few days ago, someone asked me, “How do you like being in the Archdiocese of Baltimore so far?” “Well,” I said, “It’s pretty good. The first weekend I went to a horse race and the second was the long Memorial Day weekend. What’s not to like?” Of course that’s not quite the whole story....
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Keynote Address, Ethics and Public Policy Center

Introduction It has now been just over a week since I became the Archbishop of Baltimore, and I find myself surrounded by history there. I live near the Basilica of the Assumption, the oldest cathedral in the U.S. The cornerstone was laid in 1806. The nation’s first bishop, John Carroll, is buried beneath the basilica,...
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Installation Homily

Introduction My thanks to the Cardinals who are with us today and, in a special way, to the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, thank you for representing our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and please convey to him the sentiments of loving communion of all here today. My greetings and thanks to the many...
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