Pope Benedict tells us that the Church’s charitable activity manifests God’s love. He quotes St. Augustine: “If you see charity, you see the Trinity.” The Holy Spirit harmonizes our hearts with the heart of Christ who, in loving us, showed us the Father’s love. Christ became the servant of all, bending down to wash the...Read More
It is widely known that Pope Benedict has called the Church to observe a “Year of Faith” beginning October 7 of this year. This coincides with the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This Year of Faith...Read More
It’s hard to believe that Labor Day weekend has arrived. Filled with wistful thoughts of a waning summer we might be tempted to treat Labor Day simply as a final summer holiday before the busyness of the fall. And, of course, we should all try to have an enjoyable Labor Day holiday. Our enjoyment, however,...Read More
I. Introduction Bishop Farrell, brother priests and deacons, Ellen Dorn and the members of the St. Thomas More Society, members of the judiciary and members of the bar, professors of law, seminarians, Knights of Columbus, parishioners, honored guests, all dear friends in Christ: I sincerely thank you for inviting me to offer the homily at...Read More
I. Introduction – Greetings and Appreciation Let me begin by saying how happy I am to be with all of you this morning. It is my first opportunity to join you as the new school year begins and it is also my first opportunity to thank you for all that you do for our young...Read More
This morning I did something I always dreamed of doing. I appeared on a concert hall stage, the Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall, to be exact. Thankfully I wasn’t invited to sing or play a musical instrument! Rather, I came to be part of this year’s Catholic Schools Convocation of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.It was a...Read More
Earlier in the summer, I visited Camp GLOW (God Loves our World) for the first time. Camp Glow is a very special summer camp for the young and the young at heart who face developmental disabilities. This camp provides an opportunity for them to be together in a friendly place, to pray together, and to...Read More
I. Introduction Let me offer you a few words to help bring to a conclusion this earth-shaking convention in which we’ve all taken part these past days. But I have to tell you something. You might remember that at the States Dinner, Cardinal Dolan commented that he had been given “the honeymoon suite” here at...Read More
Introduction: A Local Struggle with Large Implications Arriving in Baltimore just a few months ago, I found that the Archdiocese together with pro-life pregnancy centers in the city were joined together in a struggle against the City of Baltimore. Some time earlier, the administration had decided that these centers would be obliged to inform the...Read More
In October 2012 the Church will observe the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. Like every anniversary, it is a time to look back and to look ahead. We’ll probably see a lot of articles and hear homilies and talks on the history of the Council and its true meaning. As...Read More
As this issue of The Catholic Review goes to press, I am preparing to take part in the annual convention of the Knights of Columbus which will be held this year in Anaheim, California. Since I serve as Chaplain to the whole Order and I am still in the process of introducing myself to all...Read More
Like millions of Americans, my parents used to tune in on Tuesday evenings to watch a program entitled “Life Is Worth Living” – a television show that then-Bishop Fulton J. Sheen pioneered. As a child, I watched the handsome Bishop in his cassock and purple cape with rapt attention as he explained the faith and...Read More