Catholic Review Column: In Service to One in Service to All

As this issue of The Catholic Review goes to press, I am preparing to take part in the annual convention of the Knights of Columbus which will be held this year in Anaheim, California. Since I serve as Chaplain to the whole Order and I am still in the process of introducing myself to all...
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Venerable Fulton J Sheen

Like millions of Americans, my parents used to tune in on Tuesday evenings to watch a program entitled “Life Is Worth Living” – a television show that then-Bishop Fulton J. Sheen pioneered. As a child, I watched the handsome Bishop in his cassock and purple cape with rapt attention as he explained the faith and...
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Catholic Review Column: After the Fortnight

I am deeply grateful to all who made the opening Mass for the Fortnight for Freedom at the Basilica of the Assumption so beautiful – the many people who attended, the spirit of gratitude for our God-given freedoms that was so evident, coupled with a genuine love of country and concern for the common good....
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Mass for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

I. Introduction Perhaps there is no more fitting place to celebrate this last of our Masses together in Rome than right here. This is the altar of Our Lady,Salus Populi Romani – Health of the Roman People. The Blessed Virgin Mary is Patroness of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, of course: her Assumption into Heaven is...
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Mass at the Tomb of Saint Peter, Apostle

I. Introduction Yesterday we celebrated, here in the Basilica of Saint Peter, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, principal patrons of the City of Rome. Today the Church celebrates the feast of the First Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church. And what a privilege it is for us to return here to the...
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Address on Religious Liberty

I. Introduction: The Pallium Let me begin by warmly thanking the Religious Liberty Observatory of the Italian Ministry of External Affairs and the City of Rome for their invitation to address you this morning on the subject of religious liberty. I wish to express my deep appreciation for the creation of the Observatory to monitor...
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Mass at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere

I. Introduction It is a particular joy for me to celebrate Mass here in this Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, during these days which bring me to Rome to receive the Pallium from the Holy Father, symbolizing my communion and that of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, the first of the dioceses of the United...
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Mass for Vocations to Holy Orders

My brother priests, and dear friends in Christ, I. Introduction I’m delighted to welcome all of you here to Rome and to the Pontifical North American College as we begin together this pilgrimage to the Eternal City. Our time in Rome will culminate on Friday, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, during a Mass...
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Fortnight for Freedom: Opening Homily

Introduction: The Martyrs of Tyburn Hill A few years ago, due to inclement weather that grounded many international flights, I found myself stranded in London during the week just before Christmas. Worse things than that can happen to a traveler but the unexpected pleasure of a week in London enabled me to visit places I...
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Catholic Review Column: Fortnight for Freedom

By now you have likely heard about the Fortnight for Freedom. Maybe you have seen a sign or poster advertising it. Perhaps you have seen references to it online. It is an idea whose hour has come. Religious freedom as protected by the First Amendment is at risk. It is most palpably jeopardized by the...
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Religious Liberty – Public Session USCCB

I. Introduction My brother bishops – let me begin this segment on domestic religious liberty by thanking all of you for your strong efforts in support of that cause. We are facing not just one, but a series, of extraordinary challenges in this area. Nothing less than our full and undivided efforts in response will...
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Priesthood Ordination 2012

I. Introduction Long ago, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, the Risen Lord Jesus looked at Simon Peter and three times asked him, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Today, in this sacred rite of ordination, the Lord Jesus looks upon you, my dear brothers, called now to be priests of...
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