Catholic Review Column: Giving Thanks

This Thanksgiving marks my first as Archbishop of Baltimore. Though I have only been in the Archdiocese for six months, it has been easy for me to see there is much for which to be thankful in this local Church. I am thankful for the good and holy priests, deacons and consecrated religious who give...
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Mid-Year Meeting of State Deputies and State Chaplains of the Knights of Columbus: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

I. Introduction Many people in this room, my age and older, will remember that, years ago, Saint Michael the Archangel was invoked in prayers after Mass. These prayers were called the “Leonine Prayers,” after Pope Leo XIII. He is said to have seen a great vision of the activity of the devil in the world,...
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Mid-Year Meeting of State Deputies and State Chaplains of the Knights of Columbus: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

I. Introduction Sometimes we tend to think that holiness is something we can work on when we’re older, far off in the indeterminate future. After all, right now we’re so busy, endlessly occupied with the pressing demands of our professional lives or the day-to-day responsibilities of our priestly ministry. But when we start to think...
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Mid-Year Meeting of State Deputies and State Chaplains of the Knights of Columbus: A Holiness That Evangelizes

I. Introduction Thank you, Worthy Supreme Knight! Even though I am a “Johnny-come-lately” to this particular meeting, this is one of my favorite Knights of Columbus meetings – when you come together as brother bishops and priests who serve the Order as State Chaplains for a time of priestly fraternity and to deep our understanding...
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Mid-Year Meeting of State Deputies and State Chaplains of the Knights of Columbus: Votive Mass for the New Evangelization

I. In the Days of Their Ancestors Worthy Supreme Knight, Brother Bishops and Priests, Worthy State Deputies, and dear friends in Christ, at the risk of repeating myself, allow me to share with you this morning a story of evangelization and faith which I shared with the Board at one of its meetings earlier this...
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Catholic Review Column: Election Thoughts and Giving Thanks

Now What? The election is over and from the Church’s perspective the results were mixed. The law known as the DREAM Act was upheld, giving immigrant students the same opportunities to achieve their dreams through education. The Church had advocated for its passage because we believe it gives children the best chance to fulfill their...
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USCCB General Assembly

Slide #1 Thanks, very much, Cardinal Dolan. And welcome, everyone, to Baltimore! This morning I would like to offer a brief outline of the activity of the Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty since we last met together in Atlanta. This presentation will have two parts. First I will review with you the activities that...
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Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

I. Introduction To say the least, the Scribes and Pharisees are not well-regarded in the pages of the New Testament. They were often seen as petty, legalistic, jealous of their prerogatives, and they were bested when they try to engage Jesus in debate, usually to the delight of the crowds. They are also among those...
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Knights of Columbus Board Meeting: Feast of St. Martin de Porres

I. Introduction Today’s saint, Martin de Porres, bears witness to the importance of prayer and humility in our interior lives and in our lives of service to others. In light of the Scripture readings we can see even more clearly what this beloved saint teaches us about following Christ as members of the family of...
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The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day)

I. Introduction Saint Augustine, in his autobiography The Confessions, records so movingly his last moments with his mother, Saint Monica, as she lay dying, still only in her mid-fifties, in the Roman suburb of Ostia. Augustine and his brother were overcome with grief, and were discussing the practicalities of the funeral arrangements for their mother....
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Catholic Review Column: Remembering the Faithful Departed

As my friend and mentor, Cardinal Hickey, former Archbishop of Washington, advanced in years, he instructed me on what was not to happen at his funeral. “Don’t let them canonize me!” he said, “Tell them to pray for me!” Cardinal Hickey was a man of devout prayer, virtue, who served the Church effectively and devotedly,...
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Catholic Review Column: Question 4 and 6 and the New Evangelization

A few weeks ago, I joined a group of ecumenical leaders at Morgan State University in support of the Dream Act. A reporter covering the event asked me how the Church could support the Dream Act but be against legalizing same sex marriage. Weren’t we being inconsistent, he wanted to know. I told the reporter...
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