Catholic Review Column: The Joy of the Gospel, Part 4 of 9

Last week, nearly 3,000 people gathered at Loyola University Maryland’s Reitz Arena for a symposium we sponsored to celebrate the first anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. “The Francis Factor” featured Cardinal Seán O’Malley of Boston and four panelists who offered much insight into the life and ministry of Pope Francis. By all accounts,...
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3rd Sunday of Lent A – St. John, Westminster

Introduction: On Being Thirsty All of us know what it is to be thirsty. After exercise or physical labor, we welcome a glass of cold water. Even if we’re not exerting ourselves, we instinctively drink water through the day. Healthcare professionals tell us about the benefits of drinking water and some urge us to drink six...
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St. Patrick’s Day Homily

Introduction It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to offer Mass for the first time in this historic Church, dedicated to St. Patrick. Here, various bishops were ordained at sent forth as missionaries. I think in particular of Bishop Benedict Joseph Flaget, who was consecrated by Archbishop Carroll in 1810 and sent to Bardstown,...
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St. Patrick’s Parade Homily

News from Home Years ago, as a young priest, I accompanied my boss and mentor, Cardinal Hickey, to a Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Dinner in downtown Washington. For those of you who have never been to these dinners, let me say that the spirits of every one there are high, or perhaps I might...
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2nd Sunday of Lent A – St. Elizabeth Seton Parish

Introduction Not long after I started serving as the Bishop of Bridgeport, Connecticut, my new doctor told me I should have a complete physical exam. So one day I underwent an amazing battery of tests and not long afterwards the doctor phoned to tell me the results. After that call concluded, my priest secretary (not...
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Catholic Review Column: The Joy of the Gospel, Part 3 of 9

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. Not surprisingly, recent polls have shown what we all have come to know about our new Holy Father: Pope Francis has caught the attention of American Catholics. But those same polls also show that this renewed interest has not yet convinced the unchurched to...
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Rite of Election Spanish

Amigos, Queridos catecúmenos, candidatos, y todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas aquí presentes, Hemos escuchado en las Sagradas escrituras como Adán y Eva cayeron en la tentación; sin embargo también escuchamos como Cristo supero las tentaciones en el desierto. Cristo nos da vida nueva y nos invita a continuar el camino hacia Dios. Él también fue...
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Rite of Election

Introduction On the first Sunday of Lent the Church invites all of us, but especially those of you preparing for initiation at Easter, to confront the all-too-human tendency to give in to temptation and to fall into sin. And, at the conclusion of Lent, during the Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday, the Church will...
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8th Sunday A Ordinary Time – St. Mary of the Assumption

Introduction My mother probably wouldn’t mind it if I told you she’s in her mid-90’s. Almost every day I call Mom and Dad just to see how they are doing. But it’s not a one-way street. Mom and Dad also want to know how I’m doing. Mom, in particular, often asks me if I am...
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Mid-Atlantic Congress 2014

Introduction: Food for the Journey As a kid growing up in the mid-West, I sometimes found myself on long car trips with my parents. In the days before the inter-state highway system, with service plazas featuring food and fuel, I used to sit in the back seat of mom and dad’s 1958 Ford, wondering if we’d...
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Catholic Review Column: The Joy of the Gospel, Part 2 of 9

One year ago Pope Francis was elected. Almost from the start, it was clear his papacy would be transformative. But what sort of change does the pope have in mind? Is it merely a change in style? Or is it a change in various church teachings? In the first full chapter of his exhortation, The Joy...
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7th Sunday A Ordinary Time – St. Paul

Introduction: Belonging It is often said that we human beings are social animals. Some of course are more outgoing than others but almost no one wishes to be isolated. The truth is, almost everyone desires to have a sense of belonging. And isn’t it so that, we often identify ourselves as members of a group,...
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