Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 5th Sunday of Lent; Installation of Fr. Jim Kiesel

That Jesus’ hour had arrived is made clear by the request of some Greek converts to Judaism to see Jesus. The prophets who preceded Jesus foretold that the hour of salvation would arrive when the Gentiles would also seek to be converted and to worship the living God.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Saturday of the 4th Week of Lent, Mass in Celebration of Consecrated Life

The vows at the heart of religious life and the promises which I have made as a priest – these are not a boast that we are tougher or better than others in the Church, that we can “take it”, that we can lives differently from others.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 4th Sunday of Lent; Rise Up Middle School Day

Every time we come to Mass, Jesus reminds us who he is, what he has done for us, and he helps us remember who we are: beloved sons and daughters, the very people his Father loved so much that he was willing to give his Only Begotten Son.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 4th Sunday of Lent; Dedication of Chapel, Parish Life Center and Gym

The Fourth Sunday of Lent is called “Laetare Sunday”. “Laetare”, as you know, is a Latin word that means “to rejoice”. With wisdom and love, the Church offers us this Sunday of rejoicing in Lent, to encourage us in our Lenten resolutions to fast, pray, and assist the poor.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 4th Sunday of Lent

On this Laetare Sunday, a Sunday of Rejoicing in the midst of Lent, we have gathered to bless this new daily Mass chapel here at St. Joan of Arc, and to dedicate its focal point, the altar, on which the mysteries of our salvation are re-enacted day after day.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Saturday of the 3rd Week of Lent

We should be even more excited about the great reversal in today’s Gospel: Jesus’ parable about the Pharisee and the tax collector who went to pray in the temple.
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archbishop Lori

Invitación a la etapa provisional del Sínodo

Al concluir la Etapa Interina, un informe sobre lo compartido pasará a formar parte de la síntesis de la Región Episcopal IV, que será presentado a la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos para su inclusión en el informe nacional a la Santa Sede.
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archbishop Lori

Synod Interim Stage Invitation

During this stage of the multi-year, worldwide process of prayer and conversation, we will gather as members of our local Church to reflect specifically on the structures that exist within the Church.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 2nd Sunday of Lent

Think about anything you might lose in life: your health, your savings, your home, your reputation. Such losses are painful and have lasting consequences. But what is more painful than the loss of a child?
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 100th Anniversary of KoC Council #2521

I am delighted to be with on this festive occasion, the 100th anniversary of Knights of Columbus Council #2521, named in honor of James Cardinal Gibbons, the 8th Archbishop of Baltimore who served from 1877 until his death in 1921.
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Busque la actualización de la Ciudad por Venir y la Invitación a la Oración

Para terminar, ofrezco un humilde y sincero “gracias” a todos nuestros líderes laicos, personal parroquial, sacerdotes y pastores, así como a nuestra Iglesia y escuelas en general, por la enorme cantidad de trabajo, tiempo, experiencia y, sí, lágrimas que ustedes han derramado en este proceso hasta ahora.
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Mensaje de Cuaresma del Arzobispo Lori

Habiéndonos enamorado de Dios, queremos compartir ese amor. La fe nos lleva a la acción. Vemos esto expresado en nuestro compromiso de dar limosna, no sólo mediante la generosidad financiera sino también mediante nuestro servicio directo y lleno de amor a los demás, sin perspectivas ni expectativas de pago.
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