Introduction: Looking Back and Looking Ahead When I announced that this celebration would take place on All Souls’ Day, a priest took me aside and said, “Archbishop, All Souls’ doesn’t seem like a very good day for a celebration. Don’t you think it’s kind of somber?” “You may have a point,” I responded, “It’s not a...Read More
Introduction As Archbishop of Baltimore I am especially proud to welcome you, my brother Knights, to what we call the Premier See as we celebrate our 225th anniversary. I am very grateful that you will be taking part in the special Mass on Sunday at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, in thanksgiving for the...Read More
Introduction What a joy to celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints with you, the family of the Knights of Columbus. How welcome you are here in this Basilica, the 1st of our nation’s Cathedrals, where, in December 1877, Michael J. McGivney, our beloved founder, was ordained to the priesthood by then-Archbishop James Gibbons of Baltimore....Read More
Our Need for the Holy Spirit’s Guidance I stand before you as the U.S. bishops’ point person on religious liberty; I lead a committee comprised of bishops & lay experts (including lawyers) that seeks to offer the Church’s teaching on religious freedom in the context of a nation where that freedom is constitutionally guaranteed, while...Read More
Introduction In homes all around us, families and children are celebrating Halloween. For weeks, our neighborhoods have been draped with cobwebs, carved pumpkins, and images of ghosts, goblins, and other scary looking characters. Tonight children, dressed in costume and carefully supervised, are trick or treating among their friends, neighbors, and family members. But we are...Read More
On its face, the feast of All Souls is a pretty somber day in the life of the church. It is the day when Catholics throughout the world pray for the sanctification of the souls of those who have died so that they might enjoy life everlasting with God in Heaven, the reward for a...Read More
Questions about the end of life have faced human beings for as long as we have walked the earth. When will it come? What is a “happy death?” Is there life after death? Thanks to modern medicine, we now live longer, and thankfully can prevent many premature deaths. But with these advances come many more...Read More
Introduction This evening, we gather in thanksgiving and joy as we celebrate the feast day of St. John Paul II. Our joy is compounded as we see all about us how this Shrine, named in his honor, is progressing. It has already become a place of pilgrimage, prayer, and devotion, where many come to seek...Read More
Introduction Many of you present in the Basilica may have thought you were just attending the Sunday evening Mass and now you find that a Confirmation is going on. You might be wondering how long this will go on; I have to be honest – it will take a bit longer than usual, but I...Read More
Introduction Allow me once again to welcome all of you to the annual White Mass sponsored by the Baltimore Guild of the Catholic Medical Association. In this Holy Mass we honor those who care for the sick and ask God’s blessings on their daily service to their brothers and sisters. And let me remind you...Read More
Introduction I am delighted to return to St. Joseph Parish to offer this anticipated Sunday Mass and to bless the beautiful new altar on which the banquet of Christ’s sacrifice will be offered to God the Father. On this beautiful autumn afternoon, I want to join with you in expressing our deepest gratitude to your...Read More
Introduction I am very happy to return to St. Margaret Parish to bless the beautiful new Cross and other renovations which you, as a parish family, have undertaken and successfully completed. If you have ever added on to your home or renovated it, you know it requires vision, attention to detail, and careful budgeting. Those...Read More