Introduction: On the Plane Yesterday, coming down here on the plane from Baltimore, I realized that over half the passengers were on their way to the Seek Conference. Because I boarded the plane in a black suit and a Roman collar, someone said to me, “Happy to see you, Father. Now I know we’ll be...Read More
Introduction Father Watters, I wish to thank you for inviting me to join with you and with leaders of our Baltimore community in thanking God for the blessings of the year just past and in asking God’s help for the year that lies ahead. Before I go further, dear friends, I would like to join...Read More
Introduction As a young priest I served as priest-secretary for Cardinal James Hickey, then the Archbishop of Washington. In that position, he was required to travel quite a bit & I enjoyed travelling with him. As it turned out, I didn’t have to join the Navy to see the world! On one occasion the Cardinal...Read More
Introduction Thanks for the privilege of being with you this morning, especially on this 4th Sunday of Advent, so near to Christmas. With you I pray that the coming feast of Christmas will bring us joy, the deep and lasting joy that Jesus gives us. And let me take a moment also to thank you...Read More
Next week is Christmas. Many, by now, have put up the tree, decorated the house inside and out, purchased most of the gifts on their list, mailed their Christmas greetings and have been to or will attend Christmas parties and open houses. All of this we do in preparation for and anticipation of the coming...Read More
Introduction Traditionally, the Third Sunday of Advent is known as “Gaudete Sunday” – and as you know, the Latin word, “gaudete” means, “rejoice”. As we anticipate our Sunday celebration, we have good reason to rejoice. First and foremost, the Lord is near, near to us in the approaching Feast of Christmas, near to us in...Read More
Scroll down for Spanish Today’s readings, especially in the context of the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, invite us to reflect on three important points: to encounter, to recognize God’s presence, and to be missionaries. Luke’s gospel tells us of the encounter of the Virgin Mary with Elizabeth. In this encounter...Read More
Introduction On this patronal feast of Mt. St. Mary’s University, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we have gathered for a momentous announcement. No, it’s not the name of the new president, the 25th in the history of this University. That announcement will be made at the end of Mass...Read More
Dear friends, Introduction September 19, 2010, was a day of joy for Catholics in England and around the world, for it was the day Pope Benedict XVI beatified the convert, theologian, man of letters, priest, and cardinal, John Henry Newman. It is a privilege for me to return today to this holy place to celebrate...Read More
Introduction It is moving beyond words to be here at the Martyrs’ Altar, above which stands the replica of Tyburn Tree, and to celebrate here the Holy Mass, which was at the center of the lives of the martyrs who gave their lives at Tyburn, just some 200 yards from where we are right now....Read More
The Scriptures for the First Sunday of Advent contained two messages that could well serve as a guide for us as we embark on our Advent journey toward Christmas: “Don’t be drowsy” and “Be vigilant – in the right way.” How much we are like the Apostles who could not stay awake even an hour...Read More
Deputy Headmaster Moystn, distinguished guests, members of the Board of Governors, dear faculty members and friends of Stonyhurst College, and, most of all, dear students: Introduction It is an honor for me to be with you today in this magnificent Church of St Peter, here at Stonyhurst College, to celebrate the Holy Mass with and...Read More