Authoritarian vs Authoritative It is probably true that most Americans do not like heavy-handed authority. We regard brutal regimes and dictatorships as a violation of human rights. So too, the subject of authority can be neuralgic at home, in the workplace, and in the Church. As a rule, we don’t like to be judged and...Read More
Scroll down for Spanish I am delighted to be here with so many of my fellow priests and especially with so many young men who are open to a priestly vocation. It gives me great hope to see so many who are willing to say yes to God’s will in your life. A vocation is...Read More
Introduction I am happy to return to Mount De Sales not only for Catholic Schools Week but also to celebrate with you the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, the great Dominican priest and theologian, arguably the greatest theologian in the history of the Church. So to Sister Mary Thomas, the Dominican Sisters, to the faculty...Read More
Introduction Let me begin by wishing the entire Notre Dame Prep community a happy Catholic schools week. While some of you may have been hoping to celebrate it with a little more snow, I, for one, am happy we could be together this morning, and for three reasons: First, it is my first opportunity to...Read More
Introduction I’m happy finally to be here at St. Casimir’s and to have an opportunity to offer a Sunday Mass. I’m in the process of visiting all 153 parishes of the Archdiocese for Sunday Mass and at last count I’m up to about 103 – so, in the words of the poet, Robert Frost, I...Read More
Hundreds of thousands of people were expected in Washington, D.C., this week for the annual March for Life, held each year on the anniversary of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision. Among those scheduled to participate in the March for Life were hundreds of parishioners and students from our own archdiocese. Bishop...Read More
Heavenly Father, source of all life, freedom, and authority, we come before you in solemn prayer on this inauguration day of Lawrence J. Hogan, the 62nd Governor of the State of Maryland, and Boyd Rutherford as the Lieutenant Governor. We thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon our state, from its shores,...Read More
What Are You Looking For? In the days before GPS became common, it was said that men were more reluctant than women to ask for directions. It was said that men preferred to find a destination themselves rather than to stop and ask for help. Of course, brothers, this implies that our search didn’t go...Read More
Introduction I’m happy to have this opportunity to take part in this priestly vocations discernment retreat and hope that all of you are experiencing the nearness of God and the joy of opening your minds and hearts to his will. In the midst of our time together, we once again meet John the Baptist. He...Read More
Introduction I want to thank Fr. Jim Keisel and all of you for welcoming me so graciously. Soon after I began serving as Archbishop of Baltimore, I resolved that I would offer a Sunday Mass in the 150 parishes of the Archdiocese. In the words of the poet, Robert Frost, I have “miles to go...Read More
Happy New Year! I pray this column, my first of 2015, finds you well, dear readers, and having enjoyed a happy and restful Christmas season. One of the great benefits of Christmas is that it provides many of us an opportunity to spend more time with our families. Too often during the year we fail to...Read More
Scroll down for Spanish Introduction I am happy, at long last, to celebrate Sunday Mass here at St. John the Evangelist and especially to do so on the beautiful Solemnity of the Epiphany. I am grateful to Fr. Jerry Bowen for his invitation and for the opportunity to bless your wonderful new daily Mass &...Read More