As we celebrate this anniversary, then, let us ask for two favors from Our Lord: First the grace of sincere repentance during this holy season of Lent, that we may experience a conversion and purification like that of Zacchaeus, and that we may gratefully receive absolution from our sins in the Sacrament of Penance.Read More
This year’s celebration takes place during the Jubilee of Hope, a year set aside by Pope Francis to celebrate the hope we share in Christ Jesus. You, our jubilarians, and indeed of all the consecrated, are witnesses of hope.Read More
So why do we have a parish? Because we believe with all our heart that God is real, and that we encounter the true and living God in Jesus Christ in whose death we are baptized, in whose power we are forgiven, by whose Sacrifice of self-giving love we are saved, by whose Body, Blood,...Read More
Discovering Christ. Following Christ. Sharing Christ. These are acts of hope made possible by the grace of the Holy Spirit and by the ministry of the Church. To see so many of you ready and willing to accept the call of Christ and his Church gives me joy beyond all telling.Read More
We are credible witnesses to Christ only if we have a heart for the poor, and only if we ‘live in this passing world with our heart set on the world to come!’Read More
Thank you, Fr. David, for embracing this parish, its people, its neighborhoods, and its ministries. This is what we celebrate today as we listen again to God’s Word and welcome the light it sheds on your ministry as Pastor of St. Ambrose.Read More
If we are faithful to these Lenten disciples, we will experience a new depth of joy when we solemnly celebrate of the Lord’s Death and Resurrection.Read More
In English 4 de marzo de 2025 Queridos amigos en Cristo: Quizás pensemos que la Cuaresma es una temporada triste, pero en realidad es una temporada de alegría y misericordia, un período de 40 días lleno de gracia en el que podemos experimentar una nueva primavera en nuestra vida espiritual. La Cuaresma es un tiempo...Read More
It is God’s plan that we attain the fullness of life by sharing his Son’s death. Taking up our cross, we are relieved of the burden of our sins and the burden of striving in vain to manufacture our own greatness.Read More
As his Sermon on the Plain moves from happiness to woefulness, Jesus is doing us a big favor. He is saving us from the counterfeit happiness of elusive wealth, satisfaction of our carnal appetites, the merriment of the doomed, evanescent human respect . . . the very things that often prevent us from stretching out...Read More
Just as St. Scholastica prayed with and for her brother St. Benedict, so too may she intercede for all of us on our lifelong journey of being formed in the likeness of Christ and of striving to bring about blessed order in the Church we love so dearly. May God bless us and keep us always...Read More
Then, sharing in God’s goodness and glory, sharing in God’s worthiness, let us do the work of God, bearing witness to the Lord in our daily life, living in such a virtuous manner that those who encounter will see in us something appealing, something worthy, something they’ve been looking for.Read More