Thy Perfect Light

The Catholic Review Last Tuesday, the Vatican officially recognized the Epiphany of the Lord, or Three Kings Day, with Pope Benedict XVI celebrating the Feast (moved to the previous Sunday in Baltimore and many local Churches throughout the world) which marks the visit of the Magi who followed a star to a manger in Bethlehem...
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Christmas 2007

  Please do forgive if the following few sentences might tend to threaten the world’s otherwise sentimental involvement in sleigh bells and Santa. It’s cold doctrine from our recent Catechism of the Catholic Church (#423) We believe and confess that Jesus of Nazareth, born a Jew of a daughter of Israel at Bethlehem at the...
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Installation of Very Rev. Thomas R. Hurst, S.S

  This is a most significant, even an historic, moment in the history of St. Mary’s Seminary and University, and well aware of that, I must begin by stating how happy I am and privileged to be the installing prelate as the Reverend Thomas R. Hurst, of the society of St. Sulpice and priest of...
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Installation Homily (Spanish version)

  HOMILIA                              Misa de Instalación Arzobispo Edwin F. O’Brien 1ro de octubre del 2007 Eminencias, William Cardenal Keeler, William Cardenal Baum, Anthony Cardenal Bevilacqua, Francis Cardenal Stafford, Edward Cardenal Egan, Theodore Cardenal McCarrick, Justin Cardenal Rigali, Sean Cardenal O’Malley: Todos nosotros en esta Arquidiócesis estamos muy agradecidos por su presencia aquí hoy, y por el...
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Mass of Installation

  Your Eminences, William Cardinal Keeler, William Cardinal Baum, Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Francis Cardinal Stafford, Edward Cardinal Egan, Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, Justin Cardinal Rigali, Sean Cardinal O’Malley: All of us in this Archdiocese are so grateful for your being here and for the honor you pay to this Premier See of Baltimore.  Deepest gratitude to...
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Zionist Brandeis Award Event

As Neil Rubin of the Jewish Times can attest, when people come to my office to see me, they may be asked to wait opposite the one photograph mounted beside the doors to the elevators. It shows Pope John Paul II, as he placed his prayer into the Western Wall in Jerusalem, a prayer which...
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From Time to Time

There has been much discussion and promotion in the media about the upcoming release of the motion picture, The Da Vinci Code. The Dan Brown novel, which I read as entertaining fiction, has jumped from the entertainment pages to the front pages of many news publications, and the electronic media have given it similar treatment....
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Homily – Chrism Mass

We remember in this Mass our sick priests, Father Joseph McManus, Pastor Emeritus of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Baltimore, and Father John Carter, who recently underwent major surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital, and is now convalescing at the home of his sister and brother-in-law; and let us pray for Monsignor Arthur Valenzano, very ill...
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Homily – Palm Sunday

The drama of the Passion, just now proclaimed in the Gospel of St. Mark, dominates this Eucharistic celebration. It is well that we remember that Jesus’ story does not end with his death. Indeed, this week we try to relive, in the liturgy, all the aspects of the betrayal, the passion and death, and the...
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Homily Given by Cardinal Keeler at St. Michael’s

En la noche del viernes regresé de un viaje a Cuba. Fuí a Cuba por una invitación del Obispo José Siro Gonzalez Bacallao, Obispo de Pinar del Río, en el occidente de la isla. Estuve allí para celebrar a su Santo Patrón, San Rosendo. Mientras estuve allá me reuní con el Cardenal Jaime Lucas Ortega...
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Homilia en la Misa por la Vida

Como presidente del comité de actividades pro-vida de nuestra conferencia nacional de obispos, he podido ver a través de toda la nación, el trabajo incansable de muchas personas dedicadas a la gran causa por la vida con la esperanza de que tenga fin la maldición del aborto legal. Permítanme comenzar con la más profundas gracias...
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Homily: Pro-Life Mass

Cardinal McCarrick, thank you for your welcome to this great Church, my brother bishops, thank you for coming again in such great numbers here. My sisters and brothers, pilgrims all in the cause of life, thank you for filling once again this great shrine. It is a place of prayer and hope. You come, all...
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