Holy Week 2008

The Catholic Review Chrism Mass message is food for the soul. The last several years, as each very special Chrism Mass approaches, I have found food for the soul in a 2002 Chrism Mass homily offered by Baltimore’s proud native son Bishop Victor Galeone of St. Augustine. I thought I should share it with you...
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Chrism Mass 2008

  The celebration of the Mass of Chrism marks a privileged moment for the People of God throughout the Church Universal this week and what a privileged moment this is for me to stand in your midst, the People of God of Baltimore. Should the history and development of this unique liturgical event not be...
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Culture of Life

The Catholic Review A Consistent Culture of Life In our society, there is a great emphasis placed on value. Homes, cars, jewelry—even a college education—has a value or worth assigned to it. The process of determining the value of something is often predicated on what an individual is willing to pay for it. What that...
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Maryland March for Life

  In our first reading, God promises the almost impossible to the childless old man Abram: “I am making you the father of a host of nations. I will render you exceedingly fertile. I will make nations of you… and your descendents after you. Abram was 100 years old when Isaac was born. Little doubt...
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The Catholic Review “EnCourage” is a support group for relatives and loved ones of individuals with same-sex attraction. It was founded in 1990 with the following official goals: To promote a spirit of compassion and acceptance among the members so that they may share with one another their thoughts and experiences. To foster the practice...
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Lay Ecclesial Ministry

The Catholic Review Co-Workers in the Vineyard Last week I met with more than two hundred of our lay people at the end of their full day conference, “Co-Workers in the Vineyard.” These dedicated people, many of whom are employed at some level of Archdiocesan and parish administration, were called together to discuss the December...
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The Catholic Review “The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God…” This past Monday evening I attended my first Catholic Lobby Night–when Maryland Catholics meet in the state capital to learn about issues affecting our Church and to share concerns with their elected officials. I found it appropriate (and a little ironic) that throngs of Catholics...
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Bless Me Father

The Catholic Review Where did it all start? Is it a Church invention? The Church’s role in the forgiveness of sins is based on the very words of the Lord to Peter and on a separate occasion to the Apostles: “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind...
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Statutes of Limitations

The Catholic Review When you attend Mass this weekend, you will likely receive a letter from me informing you about state legislation that poses a real and significant threat to our Church, including its parishes, schools, and other ministries. I urge you to read it carefully, as well as the additional materials that accompany it....
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Column Contest

The Catholic Review A couple of weeks ago, I asked employees of the Catholic Center and The Catholic Review to submit their ideas for what this column should be called with my personal offer of a cash prize ($100) for the chosen entry. I was both grateful and surprised at the enthusiastic response this “contest”...
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Re-interment of Bishop Chanche

To Bishop Joseph Latino I am deeply grateful for the invitation to preach on this occasion and for attending to the details associated with my coming to Natchez. Thanks also to Mr. Michael Ruck and his staff. When Bishop Latino wrote about the possibility of bringing Bishop Chanche back here for burial, I immediately turned...
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Ecclesia Eucharistia

The Catholic Review Early this month, I joined more than 30 bishops from the Mid-Atlantic and South East on a five-day spiritual retreat at Our Lady of Florida Passionist Retreat House in North Palm Beach. The opportunity offered various moments for prayer and reflection. It was ably directed by a true spiritual master, Benedictine Father...
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