Tribute to Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli

The Saint Thomas More Award and Bishop Saltarelli On this day dedicated to the most Holy Trinity, we gather for the annual St. Thomas More dinner, to honor a saint so deserving of honor, because of his honesty and sense of what is right. Let me tell you something which had not been told publicly...
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A Rosa Moment

The Catholic Review My earliest days of priesthood found me assigned (very happily) to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. For almost five years, I served as civilian chaplain to the cadets, military families and support troops there. Most Holy Trinity Chapel and the adjoining rectory are beautifully located on a bluff overlooking a...
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  It would be a privilege on any Spring day to be invited to deliver the commencement address at this historic and prestigious university. How especially significant the honor to do so for Mt. St. Mary’s Bicentennial Class, and on Pentecost Sunday and Mother’s Day. I am grateful to President Thomas Powell and to the...
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  Friends and brothers in Christ, Gonzalo, Marc, Hector and Edward, you have come to this Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to receive the Church’s call to serve. Each of you will be empowered by God’s grace to pattern your life after the example of Christ, the servant – diaconos. While...
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Once Upon a Sweatshirt

The Catholic Review A sweatshirt was generously given to me some months ago by a well-meaning individual during one of my parish visits with a logo on the front that reads: The Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club: Putting the Crackdown on Heresy since 1981 Now that the former Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, has had...
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Cool, Man, Real Cool…

The Catholic Review Several years ago, when I was Archbishop for the Military Archdiocese, I experienced an unexpected but very memorable encounter during a long midnight layover in Anchorage on a pastoral visit to our bases in the Far East. The encounter was with a young man who could have been a poster boy for...
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A Week of Hope

The Catholic Review It was a week that most of us will long remember and gratefully recall! In a message videotaped before his arrival, Pope Benedict XVI clearly stated the theme he would develop in keeping with “three simple but essential words: ‘Christ Our Hope.'” He said he wished to “proclaim this great truth: Jesus...
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Undaunted Missionary Spirit

The Catholic Review 200th Anniversary of the Elevation of Baltimore to an Archdiocese. It was barely six months ago that I took possession of this Premier See of our Nation. You might recall that I began the liturgical events of the occasion in this historic basilica with a prayerful visit to the crypt below to...
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Missionary Spirit

  It was barely six months ago that I took possession of this Premier See of our Nation. You might recall that I began the liturgical events of the occasion in this historic basilica with a prayerful visit to the crypt below to kneel before the remains of our founding bishop, John Carroll, whose pectoral...
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What the Holy Father Could Teach Us

The Catholic Review A couple of weeks ago I was pleased to join in honoring Judge Frank E. Cicone, Former Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Baltimore County, in a surprise celebration of his 50th anniversary of joining the Maryland Bar. I had known little of him except of the wide respect in which...
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Thoughts from Rome and About Seminarians

The Catholic Review This week finds me away from Baltimore and enjoying, absorbing the spiritual grandeur of Rome, the world’s Eternal City. Over the past eight years, I have served as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Pontifical North American College in Rome, a privilege I will relinquish this November when my term...
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Chrism Mass

The Catholic Review Cathedral of Mary Our Queen The celebration of the Mass of Chrism marks a privileged moment for the People of God throughout the Church Universal this week and what a privileged moment this is for me to stand in your midst, the People of God of Baltimore. Should the history and development...
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