Letter Regarding Financial Report

The Catholic Review My Dear Friends in Christ, It was in October when I last wrote in this space about the impact of our struggling national economy on our local Church. I wrote of our efforts to assess the financial health of the Archdiocese, of the steps we were prepared to take to quell the...
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Schools: An Update

The Catholic Review It has been nearly two months since I last wrote about the urgent problems facing Catholic schools in our Archdiocese. In my November 27 The Catholic Review column, I shared some of the critical challenges that now threaten the sustainability of many of our schools, including: Enrollment – For the current school...
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The Christmas Mystery

The Catholic Review One of the most startling truths of New Testament Christianity often reverberates for me. It is from St. Paul and though I’ve not previously observed its emphasis in my homilies or writings, I do so in this column because of the insight it offers all of us as we attempt to understand...
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The Christmas Mystery

The Catholic Review One of the most startling truths of New Testament Christianity often reverberates for me. It is from St. Paul and though I’ve not previously observed its emphasis in my homilies or writings, I do so in this column because of the insight it offers all of us as we attempt to understand...
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The Christmas Mystery

The Catholic Review One of the most startling truths of New Testament Christianity often reverberates for me. It is from St. Paul and though I’ve not previously observed its emphasis in my homilies or writings, I do so in this column because of the insight it offers all of us as we attempt to understand...
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A Feast for Baltimore

The Catholic Review Some months ago I heard a well-known TV news commentator and talk show host, a Catholic, chide one of his guests for not knowing the meaning of the Immaculate Conception. “Every Catholic knows,” the spin master proclaimed, “that the Immaculate Conception means that Jesus was born without sin.” Surely, Jesus was born...
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The Catholic Review To make a long story short: a priest of eleven years, I returned to my native Archdiocese of New York in 1976 with a doctorate in moral theology, all the while expecting I would be assigned to the faculty of our Archdiocesan Seminary of St. Joseph, Dunwoodie, in Yonkers. Such was not...
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Open Letter

The Catholic Review As reported in The Catholic Review last week, St. Michael School in Frostburg—the last parish elementary school in far Western Maryland—will close its doors for good at the end of the current school year after over 110 years of educating the children of Allegany County in the Catholic faith. Years of declining...
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The Death Penalty

The Catholic Review In this space last week I called on the Catholic faithful of this Archdiocese to continue to claim our legitimate role in the public square, despite the end of the national election, by urging our elected officials to uphold values we believe are fundamental to the common good. Chief among these is...
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The Catholic Review The election last week of Senator Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States was, indeed, a historic day for our nation. His election as the first African-American to hold the office of president is a significant step forward for a country that continues to heal from the wounds inflicted by...
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Welcome Aboard

The Catholic Review Transitions, while inevitable and necessary, often bring about uneasiness in a community as large, diverse and dispersed as is our Archdiocese. Challenging enough to receive a new Archbishop – a New Yorker with military connections, no less! – but barely a year later to take on a new Vicar General and a...
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An Appeal to Those Who Seek or Hold Public Office

The Catholic Review In the midst of this protracted election season, a seeming division among the Catholic leadership in our country has emerged, representing different approaches to this year’s document of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. Despite these differences, the Catholic bishops of the United States remain totally and...
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