Priesthood Ordinations

My dear sons, Ernest, Marc, Hector and Gonzalo. Mis queridos hijos, Ernest, Marc, Héctor y Gonzalo, Could there be a more joyful, significant moment than an ordination day? From the farthest reaches of our Archdiocese and well beyond the People of God gather in great numbers to witness and participate in a ceremony which in...
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How We Got Here

The Catholic Review The late great Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J., once deplored what he cited as the penchant of some contemporary Catholics for “excessive and indiscreet compromise.” Without denying the value of open and honest debate, we would do well to beware of the role that such “compromise” played in raising the political tide that...
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The Catholic Review For the third time this school year we have had the frustrating and sad task of announcing that the doors of a Catholic school will not reopen next fall. St. Mary of the Assumption School in Govans is the latest such casualty and joins Catholic Community School (Federal Hill) and St. Michael...
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Protecting the Voice of God Within

The Catholic Review Early this year a Baltimore woman asked me for an appointment to plead a very urgent cause. Years ago, after the birth of her first child, she consulted doctor after doctor, all of whom told her that her medical condition necessitated her sterilization. A strong, knowledgeable Catholic, she refused their counsel and...
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The Catholic Review The seeds were probably sown centuries ago in a hostile atmosphere for Catholics in the New World. In 1633, as the earliest colonists were about to set sail for “Mary Land”, Cecil Calvert, the second Lord Baltimore, instructed “his said Governor and Commissioners” that while sailing and upon arrival at their destination...
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Homily for Pilgrimage Mass

The Catholic Review It was in 1846, during the Sixth Provincial Council of Baltimore held in our own Basilica of the Assumption that the bishops of the United States “decided to memorialize their declaration that the United States would henceforth be under the watchful care of Mary Immaculate, Patroness of America.” The Lowell Courier Journal...
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Legislative Session Losers: MD Students

The Catholic Review Last week marked the close of the 2009 session of the Maryland General Assembly, bringing with it cause for both celebration and some frustration as we contemplate the issues promoted by the Catholic Church in the public square. Pro-Life While our many years of advocacy for full repeal of the death penalty...
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Leaving the Counting to God

The Catholic Review The Easter season provides the media with the opportunity each year to report on the state of the Catholic Church, Christianity, and basically all-things-religion. This Easter was no different. The Easter-week edition of Newsweek contained an article entitled, “The End of Christian America,” based largely on the recently-released 2009 American Religious Identification...
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Easter Vigil Homily

An ancient homily, probably from the 2nd century and reflecting upon the depressing mood, the tangible grief that enveloped the hearts of the apostles hours after the death and burial of Jesus says of Holy Saturday: Something strange is happening—there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth...
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Some Thoughts for Holy Thursday

The Catholic Review But for the eagerly anticipated Easter Vigil, there is no richer celebration in our Church’s liturgical treasury than this Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper. Some days ago, I treated myself to a day of prayer centered on the sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. In particular, I have over the...
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Chrism Mass 2009

  Welcome to all you good People of God from throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore who come to show your respect and gratitude to your priests, and participate in the ancient rite of the Chrism Mass. May I begin by welcoming with a grateful heart on behalf of all of us our former shepherd, Cardinal...
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Many are Seeing the Light

The Catholic Review In the classic baseball movie, Field of Dreams, Kevin Costner’s character hears a voice that assures him, “If you build it, they will come.” These words affirmed the baseball-loving character’s leap of faith in digging up the Iowa corn fields that provided his living and replacing it with a baseball field on...
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