Youth Grab Faith by the ‘Reigns’

The Catholic Review At his inaugural Mass in April of 2005, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed, “The Church is alive…the Church is young.” This was beautifully evidenced the week before Thanksgiving as 21,000 Catholic teens descended on Kansas City, Missouri, for the 2009 national Catholic Youth Conference. The conference theme was “Christ Reigns.” Organizers report that...
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A Veterans Day Thought

The Catholic Review The Baltimore Sun’s obituary paints a colorful picture of Christopher Coffland: “His biography reads like that of several people combined: played professional football in Finland, coached football in Australia and lacrosse at Boys’ Latin School of Maryland, worked as a university counselor at Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles, tended bar in Baltimore,...
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50th Anniversary Mass

“You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.” Jesus proclaimed, – upon you, Peter, upon the rock of your faith – I will build my Church How privileged some have been to hear this singular gospel proclaimed at the very entrance to Peter’s tomb in his Basilica in Rome, the main...
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Crabs and Crowns

The Catholic Review Bagels and Tastycakes. Likely the one and only time these words will ever appear together in a column of mine, these staples of households in New York and Philadelphia were on the line recently as Archbishop Timothy Dolan and Cardinal Justin Rigali placed a friendly wager on who would win the 2009...
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While Rome Burns…

The Catholic Review “No one has to have an abortion. To all of those in crisis pregnancies, I pledge our support and our financial help. Come to the Catholic Church. Let us walk with you through your time of trouble. Let us help you affirm life. Let us help you find a new life with...
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All Saints Day Mass Honoring St. Jeanne Jugan

At this somewhat melancholic time of year as darkness increasingly replaces sunlight and chill gives way to frost and cold, the Church—now for nearly 1,300 years—has chosen to remind us of what one day awaits us all: death and judgment. But she does so in a very hope-filled and positive way.  Tomorrow All Souls Day...
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Medicine and Morality

The Catholic Review Earlier this month, what a privilege it was for me to concelebrate Mass with our Holy Father in Rome to mark the canonization of five new saints. Each of these became great because each became a servant, a slave of all in imitation of Christ who did not come to be served,...
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Statement on Council Bill 09-0406, “Limited-Service Pregnancy Centers Disclaimers’

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: I offer this statement in opposition to Council Bill 09-0406, which would fine pregnancy resource centers in Baltimore City $500 a day for failing to post a list of services they do not provide. Let’s be clear first about what these centers do provide, namely, needed and welcome...
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Mass with Retired Priests

We are in the midst of the Year for Priests and with reference to today’s second reading, we embrace the Word of God this afternoon to honor the priesthood of Jesus Christ, to give thanks for the priesthood of Jesus Christ, to pray for the priesthood of Jesus Christ. The letter to the Hebrews paints...
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White Mass Homily

My thanks to the Baltimore chapter of the Catholic Medical Association for choosing our beautiful Basilica of the Assumption to celebrate their annual White Mass. My special thanks to the Chapter and Dr. Marie Boursiquot, your President, for inviting me to lead you in the Eucharist and I welcome and greet all of you, especially...
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Advisory: Sacrifices Ahead

The Catholic Review In a typically excellent column, Priest Magazine editor Monsignor Owen Campion tells the story of an aging rural pastor of three mission churches in the Midwest during the early 1940s. It was wartime. Young dads were in uniform far from home for a tour of duty of an indefinite duration, leaving the...
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Sisters’ Service a Blessing to All

The Catholic Review Many in the Archdiocese are probably aware of our Priests’ Council with whom I meet several times during the year. Consisting of 35 members representing various age groups, geographic locations, ministries, and religious and diocesan priests, this Council is both mandated by canon law and an invaluable assistance to me. Less known,...
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