In between munching on soft pretzels or checking out the latest fashion trends, visitors to area malls may soon get a glimpse of life in the womb.
The Archdiocese of Baltimore is planning to display the “Truth Booth,” an unmanned kiosk that will show ultrasound images of an unborn child. The images will be in 3-D and “4-D” – showing a baby’s development through time.
In addition to being displayed in malls, the booth will also be made available to Catholic parishes and schools.
“We just want to help people to realize the wonder of life and to recognize the fact of the humanity of the child – even before birth,” said Linda Brenegan, archdiocesan respect life program director.
Brenegan said her favorite “Truth Booth” clip is one showing an unborn baby smiling.
“At the end, he actually laughs,” Brenegan said. “When people see that, they smile. That’s what we hope will come out of this – that people just smile. We need some smiling these days.”
Brenegan called the Truth Booth “scientific” and “appealing.”
“It’s a gentle, non-confrontational approach,” she said.
The $2,500 booth was purchased through a grant from the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Brenegan is raising money to place the booth in malls throughout the archdiocese. It will cost approximately $2,500 for six weeks mall rental, she said.
Accompanying the booth will be pamphlets featuring paintings by Brenegan that portray the development of an unborn child.
The Truth Booth is already displayed in Ohio, New York and New Jersey. The Archdiocese of Baltimore is the first diocese in the country to purchase a booth, Brenegan said.
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