Address to the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. Michael
February 27, 2022
Baltimore, MD
Fr. Vasyl and dear friends and parishioners of St. Michael Parish, I wanted to pay a visit this morning to express my solidarity with you in these tragic days marked by the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia. With you, I pray for your relatives and loved ones still in the Ukraine, that they may be spared injury, loss of life, and destruction of their property. With you, I pray for those who have been forced to flee their homeland, who are seeking asylum amid the brutality of armed aggression. With you, I pray that peace-loving nations will take the necessary steps to prompt Mr. Putin to withdraw his troops and to stop the bombing and the shelling. With you, I pray for those courageous citizens in the Ukraine who are fighting to maintain their independence and freedom on city streets. May God be with them in their struggle. The declaration of war on the Ukraine by Russia is more than unjust – it is evil. It has spawned a terrible humanitarian crisis while destabilizing the world. It is already the cause of untold human anguish and suffering.
Pope Francis, as you know, has set aside Wednesday, March 4th, as a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the Ukraine. I have asked your fellow Catholics in the RC Archdiocese of Baltimore to response wholeheartedly to the Holy Father’s request. Fasting focuses our prayer on the will of God, on God who gives that peace which the world cannot give. By fasting and praying, we express our solidarity with those who are suffering.
I also hope and pray that there will be an outpouring of humanitarian relief. I will be asking parishioners in the RC Archdiocese of Baltimore to donate generously to this most worthy cause. As Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, l think of the thriving K of C Councils in the Ukraine, and stand in solidarity with brother knights and their families in the Ukraine. I am grateful also that the Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelly, has established the Knights of Columbus Ukrainian Solidarity Fund seeded with $1.5 million dollars. I hope and pray that every international Catholic relief agency will be able to help.
Finally, let us beseech the Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace. Through her intercession, may Christ, the Prince of Peace, reign in human hearts, even those hearts that have hatched aggressive plans to subjugate innocent and peace-loving peoples. Thank you for the privilege of addressing you this morning. May God bless you and keep you in his love and peace.