I’m weary of reading about those who believe service men and women who selflessly serve this nation, do so in Patrick J. Clancy’s “vision” about “militarism” (CR, July 29).” His letter was in the same Catholic Review in which the archbishop highlighted his own selfless service in Vietnam and a respect for service men and women who serve in harm’s way regardless of political beliefs.
I had the honor to serve this nation’s flag in uniform for 31-plus years. I clearly understand I stood with other military to defend our nation as well as individual rights and beliefs, to include those of absolute pacifists and those who would deny that the primary responsibility of our president and government is to defend our country against all enemies. Our exceptional nation engages in wars that defend and free those who are oppressed; witness our freeing of Europe from Nazi totalitarianism, freeing the world from Soviet Union Imperialism and freeing many peoples from multiple oppressive governments that seek to oppress and exploit.
In the words of Colin Powell, all we have ever asked in terms of land and victory was land to bury our fallen heroes. We who enter the military understand what we are putting on the line; personal sacrifice to include life-changing injuries or the ultimate sacrifice.