“Let us then prepare our hearts for the Christmas season, the great reason for our hope. And how do we do this? By allowing the Lord to find us…”
What does Advent mean to you? Archbishop William E. Lori reflects on the meaning of this season of waiting. Joining him is Lia Garcia, director of Hispanic Ministry for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and Timothy Shaia, a newly baptized Catholic and a junior at University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
¿Qué significa el Adviento para ti? Para discutir esta temporada de espera, Lia García, directora del Ministerio Hispano de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore, se une a Walter Erazo de Esperanza Latina en Sacred Heart en Glyndon.
Lia Garcia, director of Hispanic ministry, asks, “How do we prepare our hearts and souls for the arrival of Baby Jesus?” As we decorate our homes, plan parties and buy gifts, Mrs. Garcia says we can make space to receive the King of Kings during Advent by pausing for reflection, loving our neighbor and asking, “What needs to change in me to receive the Lord God this Christmas?”
Lia García, directora del ministerio hispano, nos pregunta: “¿Cómo preparamos nuestros corazones y almas para la llegada del Niño Jesús?” Mientras decoramos nuestros hogares, planificamos fiestas y compramos regalos, la Sra. García nos recuerda que podemos hacer espacio para recibir al Rey de Reyes durante el Adviento haciendo una pausa para reflexionar, amando a nuestro prójimo y preguntándonos, “¿Qué necesita cambiar en mí para recibir al Señor esta Navidad?