Pilgrimage Faith Walk

Pilgrimage Faith Walk

As part of the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s 225th Anniversary Celebration, Archbishop Lori invites the faithful to participate in a special Pilgrimage Faith Walk on Sunday, July 6, 2014. The Pilgrimage Walk will join together the Basilica, St. Alphonsus, and the Mother Seton House & Historic Seminary Chapel. The faithful are invited to walk, as prayerful pilgrimages remembering our rich and diverse past. Participants can walk at their own pace and in any order they wish to visit the three historic sites. Each of the three locations will have special events and exhibits on that day. The Pilgrimage will conclude at 4:30 pm with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Lori at the Basilica. Following the Mass there will be a reception on the Basilica Lawn for those who attend.

Listing of special events and exhibits:

The Basilica (1821)

  • Special Tours on the half hour
  • Exhibit on St. John Paul’s Historic Visit to Baltimore
  • Closing Mass with Archbishop Lori (4:30 pm Mass)  and reception
  • Exhibit on the recent restoration and earthquake repairs
  • Images of the Basilica

St. Alphonsus (1845)

  • Special Tours of the Site
  • Exhibit of over 100 Relics
  • Visit Memorial to the Unborn
  • Organ Concert at 2:15 pm
  • Images of St. Alphonsus

Mother Seton House & Historic Seminary Chapel (1808)

  • Special tours on the half hour
  • Encounter Mother Mary Lange (Ms. Janice Curtis Greene) in the Lower Chapel from 1:30-3:30pm
  • Special Exhibit of Historic Photos of St. Mary’s Seminary on Paca Street
  • Encounter Mother Seton (Ms. TBD ) in the Seton House from 1:30–3:30 pm
  • Exhibit on the recent restoration work
  • Images of Mother Seton House & Historic Seminary Chapel

End the Summer with Another Faith Experience
Another Pilgrimage Experience will be held on August, 31 at the Seton Shrine, Emmitsburg, Maryland.

To honor Mother Seton’s 240th Birthday, Archbishop William E. Lori will celebrate a special Mass on August 31 at 1:30 pm at The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. “This annual event honors our Patroness,” said Rob Judge, executive director at the Shrine. “We invite children and women with the name Elizabeth Ann to participate in a special legacy name ceremony where they are recognized during the Mass and given a ribbon.”

Following the Mass, we will hold our annual Family Fun Day – a birthday party in honor of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Children’s activities will include a moon bounce, face painting, carnival games, a children’s entertainer, and more! Birthday cake will be served and balloons will be given to all!

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