“The Church needs to be present in the world of communications in order to dialogue with people today and help them encounter Christ.”
– Pope Francis
The May 31-June 1, 2014 collection for the Catholic Communications Campaign (CCC) provides funding to the Department of Communications to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith through various communications channels, including www.archbalt.org, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, The Catholic Review, Archbishop’s email messages, television, and radio.
The CCC coincides with the celebration of World Communications Day and follows Pope Francis’ message to the Church to “be present in the world of communications in order to dialogue with people today and help them encounter Christ.” Please pray for those who work in media and communications and support the CCC second collection, which helps individuals encounter Jesus and provides a voice for the Catholic faithful in the public square.
Donations to the CCC supported the following initiatives in the Archdiocese of Baltimore over the past year:
For a list of other resources on the World Day of Communications and the Catholic Communications Campaign (CCC), please view the following: