A revolution is warranted

By Therese Wilson Favors
It’s a revolutionary thing to go against the grain of a “that’s-the-way-it-is” attitude. When it comes to combating violence and raising awareness of the affects and effects of abortion on our people, a revolution is warranted.
Things just can’t stay the same. Too many lives have been turned upside down and inside out because of violence and abortion. Let’s do something dramatic now to address this wave of evil running zig-zag in our communities and within our nation. This evil is tearing lives apart. Far too many youth have witnessed horrific scenes that our elders never thought would penetrate their lives or the lives of these young ones.
Something dramatic needs to happen, perhaps a revolution immersed in prayer is warranted to end these prolonged stays of suffering within our times.
We are people of faith, a great crowd of witnesses, who have seen first-hand what people of faith who follow Jesus can do when they fix their souls, minds, hearts and will on a purpose, a destiny that can transform lives.
Faith has taught us, as Dr. Cyprian Rowe once said, that “the mightier the purpose, the mightier the power exerted by God on those who embrace goodwill.”
St. Paul reminds us as he writes about his faith journey in following Jesus that “Christ lives within me … and I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given up himself for me … and nothing can nullify the grace of God (Galatians 2:20,21).”
We’ve got what it takes to initiate a revolution church. Let’s mobilize our resources and jumpstart the revolution. For God’s grace keeps pace with whatever we face. It’s a worthy purpose to pull together and use our spiritual resources to do something dramatic and put to rest that zig-zag evil called violence. Instead of just yelling at them, it’s a worthy purpose to speak heart-to-heart to our sisters and brothers who are contemplating abortion. Remember, Scripture says, “for those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God” (Romans 8: 14). We can go provoke a revolution of peace and good will because we are God’s children and we are covered by God’s love.
“What then shall we say to this (revolution)? If God is for us who can be against us? … For I am convinced that neither death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:31, 38,39).”
With God’s grace and love, what then can separate us or distract us from giving love to our own brothers and sisters? The “Way-Maker” has given us what we need. Our ancestors and elders of faith have carved footprints for us to follow. With our eyes fixed on Jesus, let’s start a revolution. Let’s mobilize, move forward and ignite that revolution by
·        Calling forth a Council of Elders within the community to evaluate and /or shape efforts of outreach and mentoring of our young folks.
·        Gathering our young to discuss strategies and avenues of peace-building, self-esteem building and anti-gang involvement.
·        Sharing our faith and rebuilding moral expectations and traditions that respect life.
·        Organizing discussion forums or workshops on this topic at every National Gathering of Blacks Catholics during 2013-2014. We have some tremendous organizations that have the heart of our people as the center of the agenda. Let’s utilize the spiritual and relational strength we have among ourselves. We’ve got a revolution to uphold.
·        Proposing and utilizing family strategies of “a helping hand up” during family reunions and summer outings. This may result in establishing a family emergency fund treasury, scholarships, special prayer and counseling circles. We can do it!
·        Going down in prayer, because prayer changes things and people too.
Remember, brothers and sisters, if God is for us, who can be against us?
A version of this column was written for National Black Catholics for Life.
Therese Wilson Favors is the former archdiocesan director of African American Catholic Ministries.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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