Lay Ministry- Volunteers

If you are considering volunteering in your parish – WELCOME!  It is through each of us living out our baptismal call to share our faith with others that we are truly church!  Prayerfully consider what your gifts and talents are, and what God is calling you to do to help serve those in your parish, and those in your community and the greater world.

There are many options for volunteers.  Some ministries involve worship, others involve sharing the faith with children, teens, adults, parents, the elderly and all in between.  Some ministries are ongoing, others are one-time affairs.  Some ministries involve gatherings, others are done in your home.  Whatever your situation, there should be some way that you can share your time and talent with your parish, and continue your discipleship through this service.


You may not feel prepared to volunteer, you may worry you don’t know what to do.  Fear not!  All of us are continually being formed in our ministry…it truly takes a lifetime!  Below are some links to different types of ministries both within your parish and beyond.  First of all, make sure that you complete the Child and Youth Protection training.  To do this online training, CLICK HERE

See what wonderful opportunities for service are available to you!

Contact your parish for more information!

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