What is the RCIA?
RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and it is the process through which persons -& adults and children – join or complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. For additional information, visit the RCIA Webpage.
Is the RCIA for me?
The RCIA is for three groups of people:
How does the RCIA work?
RCIA consists of four periods of formation which are marked by rituals that celebrate what has been completed and call a person into the next phase. There is no specific length of time for each period. The RCIA is a ;journey that “takes as long as it takes,” according to each individual. Click here for the Stages and Rituals below in more detail.
How do I find out more?
Go to the website above, then visit or call the Catholic Church in your neighborhood. Tell them you are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church.