The need for forgiveness is a constant in family life and in our lives as believers because we are imperfect beings who often distance ourselves from God and from one another. Family members learn together to seek and give forgiveness and to keep from hurting each other. Jesus also helps his brothers and sisters learn to live together through word and example, and through the outpouring of grace we receive in all the sacraments. Reconciliation is a divine remedy for sinfulness. Reconciliation celebrates the Prodigal’s return to the eternally mercifully Father, renewing the sinner’s union with God – and also with the community.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation can be described as a sacrament of healing through which the healing presence of Jesus is manifest. The Sacrament of Reconciliation continues Jesus’ work of forgiving and reconciling. As believers, we come to a deeper awareness of the goodness of God and God’s gifts to us through the sacraments. What God offers us is freely given, and intended to be freely received. Our faith tradition helps us to grow in deeper awareness of God’s love. At times, we fail to love as God calls us to love.
The person of Jesus welcomed sinners and reconciled them to the Father. Our relationship with our God is restored through the person of Jesus who reconciles us to God and to one another as sisters and brothers in Christ. Jesus continues to welcome sinners back to the Father, through this sacrament.
A minimum of one full year’s attendance in a Catholic school or formal faith formation is required immediately previous to the year in which a student is accepted into a Sacramental Program. Candidates need to participate in instruction on the Sacrament of Reconciliation according to the level of their psychological development, ability, age, and circumstance. A fuller catechesis is presented each year thereafter.
The norm of the Church is that first sacramental confession should precede the reception of First Eucharist (cf. Canon 914).
The regulations for reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Archdiocese of Baltimore can be found in: Signs Of Gods Love
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