Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for the Deaf

Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for individuals who are deaf occur within their parishes. Parishes are responsible to provide access to religious education and the sacraments to all their members, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Information and consultation is available from the Coordinator for Deaf Ministry.

Two parishes in particular offer Religious Education / Faith Formation for Deaf students: St. Ignatius Parish in Ijamsville and the Church of the Nativity in Timonium.

At St. Ignatius in Ijamsville, Ms. Carol Polizzi together with Ms. Sue Smith offer classes on Sundays following the Mass in ASL with Fr. Mike Depcik. Students are also prepared for the sacraments of First Communion and First Reconciliation (First Confession). For more information, please contact Ms. Polizzi at .

The National Catholic Office for the Deaf (NCOD) has prepared some resources for preparing for First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation.
  • My First Eucharist Curriculum
  • My First Reconciliation Curriculum
  • Strengthened in Faith: Confirmation

For questions or more information, contact

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