The Archdiocesan Response Team provides ministerial support in times of darkness and overwhelm. The Archdiocesan Response Team is a ministry of hope and healing.
The Archdiocesan Response Team will respond, when invited, to assist a parish or school community in addressing the sudden death of a young person or of an adult that is of significance in the lives of many young people of the community. The Archdiocesan Response Team is available for discrete consultation in how to assist a community in addressing a long-term and/or terminal diagnosis of an individual that will also impact the community.
Death of a Student – Classroom Announcement
Death of a Student – Parent Letter
Pastoral Care Cross Guidelines
Prayer Service – Female
Prayer Service – Male
Suggestions to Teachers for Helping Students Following Death in a School
Children and Grief – Handout for Parents and Teachers
Children’s Developmental Responses to Death – 7 to 14 year olds.
Power-point Presentation Archdiocesan Response Team Training 04-26-14
To contact the Archdiocesan Response Team, please call 410-547-5372 during business hours.
We are here to listen and connect you with Catholic resources and opportunities throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Sarah Jarzembowski
Coordinator for College Campus and Young Adult Ministries
Phone: 410-541-5318
Fax: 410-625-8481