Criticism of NRA misguided

As a life-long Catholic, pro-life proponent and retired memberof the military, I read Roberta Wentworth’s letter headlined “Incongruent positions” (CR, Oct. 29) with great concern. Sheseems extremely anti-gun without regard for facts.

Admittedly, our country has a crime problem; however, attackingthe National Rifle Association, which focuses on gun education and safety and protection of the 2nd Amendment, is not well­reasoned, nor will it make us safer.

Greater focus needs to be placed on correcting the lethal andthoughtless behavior of lawbreakers, who will not be curtailed bywell-meaning but irresponsible controls on those who already obeythe law.

I would prefer that all of us keep an open mind and promote theexchange of potential solutions for these problems, in order topromote the common welfare of all.
Wayne McNeir
Master Sgt., USMC Retired

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Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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