You can do this. There are rules for carpool lanes and lunch packing and which side of the folder holds worksheets that stay home vs. go back to school. One day you’ll realize you can do them in your sleep.
For homework time, seat your child at the table, set a timer for 15 minutes, and stop when it goes off. If your child comes home tired, skip homework. There’s a good chance that coloring page won’t be part of his college application.
Fundraisers happen. Let Aunt Maude buy wrapping paper if she wants to. Don’t feel you need to sell 500 candy bars. Do what you can. Know that there will always be another fundraiser—and that you can support your school in many ways.
Find time to pray for your child, your child’s teacher, and for the other students. And slip in a little prayer for your fellow new kindergarten moms.
Pack your tissues. You’ll need them that first day. And maybe the second day, too.