Dozens of children gather for Cathedral’s annual Easter egg hunt

By Elizabeth Lowe
Five youths and two adults helped Meghan Cosgrove hide 1,000 plastic eggs before the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen’s annual Easter egg hunt April 19.
The Homeland parish’s youth group filled the eggs and helped hide them near the parish school, behind the parish center and on the grass near Amberly Way, according to Cosgrove, the cathedral’s youth minister.
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About 50 children ages 1-8 attended the egg hunt on Holy Saturday, Cosgrove said. In addition to participating in the egg hunt, a parish tradition for more than 15 years, the children prayed and had their photos taken with the Easter Bunny.
“The children come dressed in their Easter best with baskets in hand as they get their picture with the Easter Bunny,” Cosgrove said in an email to the Catholic Review. “As they are walking around waiting for prayer and the moment to ‘go,’ they are filled with excitement, joy and determination to find as many eggs as they can, or the golden egg.”
The eggs were filled with items such as stickers, marshmallows, chocolate eggs and stamps, Cosgrove said. Children who found the golden eggs received a stuffed animal.
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The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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