Focus on poor and marginalized

The editor of the Catholic Review “Nothing new under the sun” has little faith in the ability of the secular press to understand matters Catholic. I think we have a case where the secular press has a very clear understanding of what happened when Pope Francis publicly stated that he is not one to judge the behavior of gay men and women and that these people have the ability to lead holy lives and should not be marginalized. This represents a seismic shift in tone and attitude.
In the same issue is an article about EnCourage, a small group dealing with the concerns of parents of gay people. The chaplain refers to the “gay world as a “real horror show” which is “very dark”. I’m sure that many gay as well as non-gay people live in a very dark world. Father Jones’ rhetoric marginalizes gay men and women and is very offensive.
I hope that some of the local Catholic leadership take a break from their constant concerns about the sex lives of Catholics and turn their focus to the poor and marginalized as the pope has suggested, but I won’t hold my breath.
Edward McCarey McDonnell

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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