Explore ways to find love after 50

Mary Ann Leard learned how to lay laminate flooring by attending clinics at Home Depot on Saturday mornings. She attended to learn the skill, not to meet someone; however, Ms. Leard said that’s one good way for singles to meet people.

“It takes the focus off yourself,” said the single 60-year-old president of the archdiocese’s Catholic Single Again Council (www.singleagain.itgo.com), the umbrella of parish Single Again groups. “The focus is on doing something.”

Ms. Leard finished the clinic without meeting a partner, yet the floors in her house now have laminate.
Finding love after 50 can be a dilemma for singles looking for a meaningful relationship. However, there are ways and places. Tom Blake, the author of the book “Finding Love After 50” wrote “to meet a potential mate, older singles need to get out of the house and get involved in activities that interest them. People usually meet the person of their dreams when they aren’t looking.”

His suggested venues include weddings, reunions, dance studios, groups and clubs, church single groups, the Internet and bookstores. “And while you’re trying to figure out where to go,” he said, “don’t forget one of the least expensive – and most effective – ways to meet other singles: networking. Tell friends and co-workers you’re available.”

When people who are new in town or new to a parish ask Lauri Przybysz how they can meet good people, she suggests they volunteer for a service project.

“Working together with others is a bonder,” said the coordinator for the archdiocese’s Marriage and Family Enrichment. “Working together on a service project such as Habitat for Humanity or serving at Our Daily Bread is a good way for people to meet others of the opposite sex and like values.”
Other ways singles can meet potential dates and mates, she said, are through small church groups such as Why Catholic? or by sponsoring an RCIA candidate.

“Small groups at church provide a good opportunity for single adults to meet others whose company they will enjoy,” said Ms. Przybysz. Outside of church, she suggests meeting others through college courses or registering for dancing or cooking lessons.

You never know where Cupid may choose to shoot arrows; it could be at one of these gatherings (not a comprehensive list):

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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