Using technology to proclaim Christ

ChristLife, an apostolate of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, has hit the podcasting waves in the archdiocese and is now providing young adults with practical ways to evangelize with the latest technology available: podcasting. The podcast can be downloaded onto a PC or iPod and can be accessed bi-weekly, free of charge.

“Pope John Paul II inspired our generation to an evangelization ‘new in ardor, methods, and expression’, we see podcasting as doing just that,” said Pete Ascosi, young adult project manager of ChristLife.

ChristLife’s podcast, which resembles a radio talk-show, began in August and after only 10 episodes has had nearly 2000 downloads. The podcasts cover a variety of topics relating to evangelization: including interviews with students, priests and prolife author Bert Ghezzi.

Episodes are available for download from or through iTunes.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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