Mary Regina Bolgiano, a student at Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson, was the grand-prize winner of Safeway’s Lucerne® Art of Diary™ “Cows & History” art contest. A junior from Lutherville, Mary was chosen from a pool of 30 national finalists from 11 states who were vying for the $22,000 grand prize which includes a $20,000 donation to her school, along with $1,000 in prize money each to her and her art instructor, Anne Walker. Her submission, “Revol-Moo-Tion,” incorporated historic images of Paul Revere’s historic ride (in this case, on a cow) and George Washington crossing the Delaware River, which is depicted as a river of ice cream. A ceramic cow featuring her design is currently on display at Safeway’s store at 10335 Reisterstown Rd. in Owings Mills, where it will remain until Monday, May 7.
The contest, first conducted in 2006, uses cows as the focal point to promote dairy products as healthy snack alternatives for kids. Safeway, the maker of Lucerne® dairy products, asked students ages 12 to18 to submit designs based on the theme “cows and history” using an outline of a cow as the canvas.
More than 9,000 middle school and high school students from as far away as Alaska and Hawaii submitted entries.