Cardinal grants surprise visit to Catholic Daughters

Seventy-five Catholic Daughters of the Americas from 17 courts in the State of Maryland got a special surprise Aug. 11 as they visited the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Baltimore.
Cardinal William H. Keeler made a special appearance, and, after Mass, greeted and blessed every Catholic Daughter individually.
Father Edward Miller, pastor of St. Bernardine, Baltimore, and state chaplain for the Catholic Daughters, celebrated Mass, assisted by Deacon Henry Siarkowski.
“Women in the Bible were never afraid to take a risk, to be like our Blessed Mother, who chose to take a risk and said ‘Yes’ to God’s will – a following for all Catholic Daughters,” Father Miller said.
National Director Lucretia Coates stated that “Catholic Daughters will step out in faith with a full year ahead of CDA’s accomplishments based on faith.”
Following Mass and a tour of the basilica, the Catholic Daughters had a day of reconciliation at St. Bernardine, home parish of State Regent Mary Elizabeth Byrd.
The CDA challenge for 2007-2008 is “Spread the good word to our young people to get them back to church and the sacraments. “
The CDA National Convention will be held July 2008 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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