Catholic girls’ schools battle breast cancer

What began last October as a breast cancer awareness and fundraising initiative by the Mount de Sales Academy tennis team in Catonsville has expanded to a Baltimore-wide campaign among several all-girls’ schools. Mount de Sales and six other all-girls’ Catholic high schools worked throughout October selling pink shoelaces to benefit women with breast cancer and raising awareness about breast cancer. Most of the money was donated to the Breast Care Center at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.

For the second year in a row, students from Mount de Sales also sold pink roses with breast self exam cards attached courtesy of Mercy Medical

The awareness campaign culminated with students from all participating schools gathering for an Oct. 21 prayer service at Mount de Sales where they prayed for those battling breast cancer, for victims of the disease, for survivors and for a cure. Survivors were presented special ribbons representing their struggle and victory.

Other participating schools were Maryvale Preparatory School in Brooklandville, the Institute of Notre Dame in Baltimore, Seton
Keough High School in Baltimore, Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson, Mercy High School in Baltimore and The Catholic High of Baltimore.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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