God gives us power to win

I read with interest the debate on school sports during the holidays and on Sundays (CR, Dec. 13). It is God who gives us the power to win, not incessant practices. With one exception, the Ravens have had a losing season (they didn’t look too good in the games they won). Before the Patriots game Ray Lewis led his fellow University of Miami alumni in prayer and dedicated the game to their murdered friend. We would have beaten the Patriots, the best team in the NFL, had the whole team prayed.

To get God’s power behind our Catholic sports teams we must fully comply with the Ten Commandments. That means no Sunday practice. We must encourage our teams to pray before all practices and games. Our teams must exhibit the highest caliber of good sportsmanship and civilized behavior. No “disrespecting” the other side no matter how badly behaved they are.

Our children – especially teenagers – need rest from their heavy loads of schoolwork and extracurricular activities to renew their strength and energy. Strong family ties and support also help to make our children truly successful team players.

At last year’s Super Bowl, God placed that coveted trophy in a good Christian’s hand. Tony Dungy proclaimed to an unbelieving world, “More than anything, Louie Smith and I are not only African-American coaches but also Christian coaches, showing you can do it the Lord’s way. We’re more proud of that.”

With the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, the ultimate victor, behind us we can win without sacrificing our time with God and family to the false god of competition. We should do nothing further to contribute to the darkness that surrounds us. God first and always.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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