Charles T. “Charlie” Pertsch, who died on Dec. 29, worked for 65 years at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Roland Park.
“Charlie was a person whose heart and whole life was completely devoted to the seminary,” said Father Thomas R. Hurst, S.S., president rector of St. Mary’s Seminary and University. “He retired for a couple of years and then decided retirement wasn’t for him and came back part time. Charlie knew everybody. He had an enormously warm heart, a sense of humor and a directness in communication that appealed to everyone.”
Mr. Pertsch, who was 84 when he died, graduated from St. Charles College Seminary in 1945 and began his career there in 1952. He also worked at the old St. Mary’s Seminary on Paca Street. Through six decades he served as office manager, business manager and treasurer, worked in the bookstore and in recent years was a host in the center for continuing formation.
He was always involved with alumni, and greeted them by name when they came to the seminary.
In describing him, Father Hurst quoted the Psalms: “‘This is truly the just man devoted to the Lord,’ and that was Charlie.”
In a last act of generosity, Mr. Pertsch donated his body to science.
Bishop W. Francis Malooly, western vicar, will celebrate a memorial Mass at the seminary at 11:30 a.m. on Jan. 28. Father Hurst will give the homily.