In the wake of a recent burglary that resulted in damaged doors and stolen computer equipment, St. Joseph in Eldersburg is taking added security measures to protect parish property.
An alarm system has been introduced and security cameras will soon be installed, according to Father Terry Weik, S.M., pastor.
George Sebek, Pieter Deboer, David Snyder and a juvenile were recently charged by the Maryland State Police for a series of burglaries at St. Joseph and Wesley Freedom Methodist Church, also in Eldersburg.
At St. Joseph, the doors to the parish center were taken off their hinges, and minor damage was sustained to a wall, according to Father Weik. Offices were broken into and computer monitors, keyboards and flat screen televisions were stolen. Some petty cash was also taken, he said.
The door has been reattached, and all the property has been recovered, Father Weik said.
“Our parishioners are experiencing a mixture of shock and outrage,” said Father Weik, noting that those charged with the crime are not connected to the parish. “It’s sad, but it’s reflective of the world we live in.”
The pastor said the juvenile charged with the crime has agreed to complete community service at the parish and will work with the youth minister.
“We certainly offer our forgiveness to all of those involved,” he said. “But mercy is tempered by justice. I think they’ll need to learn some painful life lessons.”