Cathedral student wins Prayer Card Contest

Alexandra Krall, a student at School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland, won first place in the annual prayer card contest.

Sponsored by the archdiocesan Vocations Office and the Serra Club of Baltimore, the contest challenged fifth-graders to write a prayer for vocations and make a drawing to accompany it.

Alexandra won $100 for her winning prayer and drawing. The Vocations Office printed 10,000 cards, some of which will be distributed to parishes for World Day of Prayer for Vocations on April 13.

Kasey Mannion of St. Agnes, Catonsville, was awarded second place and received $50. Mitch Szamski of St. Stephen, Bradshaw, was awarded third place and received $25.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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